Hanneke Velthuijsen (HvA): Happy Minds – A high impact stress reduction method for mental & emotional well-being in urban education
In today’s society, children are increasingly experiencing stress. They face social-emotional problems more often than ever before. A promising solution to this issue appears to be mindfulness and SEL (Social-Emotional Learning). These practices teach children from an early age how to cope with feelings, emotions, and tension, benefiting them throughout their lives and also benefiting society. While mindfulness is gaining ground in education, it has not yet been implemented systematically for entire classrooms, despite its proven effectiveness. Therefore, the goal is to introduce an evidence-based method from abroad and implement it in the Netherlands, teaching children how to be happy and maintain their happiness.
Barbara Braams (VU): The big Hoe?Zo! Show questions book a book to involve children in science and teach them scientific skills Children are naturally curious and ask a lot of questions. ‘Why do fish have scales and people don’t?’ ‘Why is it warm during summer and cold during winter?’ Unfortunately, not all children grow up […]
Gerben ter Riet (HvA): Urban Vitality Open Science Checklist: No Time to Waste In medical research alone, each year, hundreds of billions of euros are wasted, due to poor questions, poor choice of methodologies, poor reporting and archiving. The Open Science Checklist aims to optimize research projects, from start to end, in order to research waste […]
Pepijn van Rutten and Edcel Salumbides (VU): Respira: a laughing gas breath sensor to reduce accidents on the road Traffic accidents caused by driving under the influence of laughing gas have increased more than ten-fold in the past few years. This leads to more than 100 severe injuries and sadly, more than 20 deaths in […]