Jeroen Kluck (HvA)conducts research into climate adaptation in cities. “The major challenge for the coming years is the development of a city that is liveable and healthy all year round and that pays attention to biodiversity. Guidelines for climate resilience have been developed based on my research. Municipalities use these in redevelopment projects. If a street is to be overhauled, planners can see if there is room for a row of trees or a park nearby. Every redesign is along the bar of climate-resilient objectives. In this way, a city has completely changed in thirty years. And there are already municipalities and provinces that work like this.”
Photographer: Fred van Diem
Film maker: Caren Huygelen
In 2023, for the 16th time, the AmSIA has taken place at NEMO Science Museum! It was a dazzling event in which 9 finalists took the stage to pitch their innovative ideas. An expert jury awarded three winners, Zeliha Guler (Amsterdam UMC), Pepijn van Rutten (VU) and Olivier Lugier (UvA) with an Innovation Award. Three […]
NewsThe Innovation Awards were presented for the 16th time at NEMO Science Museum, to Zeliha Guler, Pepijn van Rutten and Olivier Lugier.
NewsOnderzoekers Guus van Dongen, Dick den Hertog en Toby Kiers krijgen de Impact Award 2023. Deze wordt uitgereikt aan gerenommeerde onderzoekers die een betekenisvolle bijdrage leveren aan de maatschappij. Er zijn drie categorieën: Gezondheid, Maatschappij en Milieu & Klimaat. Categorie Gezondheid: Guus van Dongen, hoogleraar medische beeldvorming en biomarkers bij Amsterdam UMC, ontwikkelde nieuwe beeldvormende […]