Category Society: Dick den Hertog, professor of Operations Research at the University of Amsterdam, shows that mathematical optimization can provide solutions for a wide variety of societal problems. Whether it concerns optimization of the dike heights in the Netherlands, the locations of hospitals in countries such as Timor-Leste and Vietnam or the food chains of the World Food Programme (for which he developed the innovative Optimus model). Text continues under the video >>
Dick den Hertog now works for The Ocean Cleanup on optimizing the sailing strategy to fish as much plastic as possible from the ocean in a certain time. “It often concerns problems where you can make many possible decisions. Checking all the possibilities with the computer takes a very long time. But with smart mathematical techniques you can find the best one within a few minutes.” That is why Den Hertog has now founded the Analytics for a Better World Institute. To ensure that research results are really used and actually have an impact.
Film maker: Caren Huygelen
In 2023, for the 16th time, the AmSIA has taken place at NEMO Science Museum! It was a dazzling event in which 9 finalists took the stage to pitch their innovative ideas. An expert jury awarded three winners, Zeliha Guler (Amsterdam UMC), Pepijn van Rutten (VU) and Olivier Lugier (UvA) with an Innovation Award. Three […]
NewsThe Innovation Awards were presented for the 16th time at NEMO Science Museum, to Zeliha Guler, Pepijn van Rutten and Olivier Lugier.
NewsOnderzoekers Guus van Dongen, Dick den Hertog en Toby Kiers krijgen de Impact Award 2023. Deze wordt uitgereikt aan gerenommeerde onderzoekers die een betekenisvolle bijdrage leveren aan de maatschappij. Er zijn drie categorieën: Gezondheid, Maatschappij en Milieu & Klimaat. Categorie Gezondheid: Guus van Dongen, hoogleraar medische beeldvorming en biomarkers bij Amsterdam UMC, ontwikkelde nieuwe beeldvormende […]