Award Life-saving mobile scanner wins Amsterdam Science & Innovation 2018
Impact Awards for Erik Scherder and Marcel van Herk
Winner Amsterdam Science & Innovation Award
The winning idea of the Amsterdam Science & Innovation Award 2018 is the ability to measure the severity of the situation of a stroke patient in the ambulance, so he can be transported immediately to the right hospital for the right treatment. This innovative idea is developed by Jonathan Coutinho (neurologist, Amsterdam UMC) and Wouter Potters (technical physician, Amsterdam UMC). They came up with a mobile scanner for the ambulance that measures brain waves. The Amsterdam Science & Innovation Award 2018 rewards the most innovative idea with a clear social or commercial application.
Jury chair Barbara Baarsma: “A scientifically unique and creative idea, but at the same time also of great social value with great opportunities for valorisation which are also being developed. Also economically relevant in a broader sense, if brain damage is limited, it will save costs.”
High Potential Award
The High Potential Award goes to Kasadaka, a project of André Baart (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) to develop apps for simple telephones in developing countries. In developing countries, mobile phones have changed the daily life just as much as here, but few people have access to the internet via their phone. To help them with apps that provide spoken information for illiterate people, Kasadaka wants to develop simple apps.
The jury: “André Baart was very convincing in the dream he shared, but to make the dream a reality he has to work out his business model even further.”
Impact Award
During this years edition, two Impact Awards were presented for the first time, for scientists and researchers from Amsterdam who have already made their mark in valorisation.
Erik Scherder (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) receives an Impact Award for his important contribution in bringing knowledge about the brain to a wider audience. With his love for the brain and the patient he has meant a lot for many people; from young people with severe injuries to seniors with a cerebral infarction or dementia.
Barbara Baarsma: “He is not only super-inspiring for scientists and students, but also makes ‘ordinary’ Dutch people aware of the fact that caring for your brain is not only important but also fun. His enthusiasm is contagious.”
Marcel van Herk (Netherlands Cancer Institute) receives an Impact Award for his important contribution to the development of image guided radiation therapy. The accuracy of radiotherapy has improved considerably, saving countless lives or prolonging them.
Barbara Baarsma: “Marcel van Herk is a mathematician, it-er and engineer, a human centipede with a heart for medicine. He once dreamed of space travel, but he is so captivated by this subject that he no longer wants it. And he would not even accept an offer from Elon Musk.”
Levensreddende mobiele scanner wint Amsterdam Science & Innovation Award Impact Awards voor Erik Scherder en Marcel van Herk Alvast in de ambulance bekijken hoe erg de patiënt met een beroerte eraan toe is, zodat hij meteen naar het juiste ziekenhuis voor de juiste behandeling kan worden vervoerd. Dat innovatieve idee van Jonathan Coutinho (neuroloog, Amsterdam […]
NewsOp dinsdag 19 juni 2018 vindt in Amsterdam de jaarlijkse uitreiking plaats van de Amsterdam Science & Innovation Awards. De genomineerde innovaties en nieuwe technologieën bieden oplossingen voor zeer uiteenlopende maatschappelijke vraagstukken. Dit jaar wordt voor de eerste keer de Impact Award uitgereikt aan onderzoekers die al een belangrijke bijdrage hebben geleverd aan de samenleving. […]
NewsAmsterdam Science & Innovation Award in the media:, BNR Radio (from 2:19:28) and NOS Radio 1 Journaal (from 18:05).