The jury, led by Gigi Wang, selected nine finalists for the Innovation Award 2019 from all submissions from the Amsterdam knowledge and research institutes. The innovations and new technologies offer innovative solutions for a wide range of social issues.
During the festive finale in NEMO Science Museum on November 26 2019, the finalists pitched their ideas to the jury and public. The expert jury, who consisted of representatives from industry and the Amsterdam knowledge institutes, took into account the innovativeness, feasibility and fulfillment of market needs. The three winners in the categories alpha/gamma, life sciences and beta won € 7,500 .
In 2023, for the 16th time, the AmSIA has taken place at NEMO Science Museum! It was a dazzling event in which 9 finalists took the stage to pitch their innovative ideas. An expert jury awarded three winners, Zeliha Guler (Amsterdam UMC), Pepijn van Rutten (VU) and Olivier Lugier (UvA) with an Innovation Award. Three […]
NewsThe Innovation Awards were presented for the 16th time at NEMO Science Museum, to Zeliha Guler, Pepijn van Rutten and Olivier Lugier.
NewsOnderzoekers Guus van Dongen, Dick den Hertog en Toby Kiers krijgen de Impact Award 2023. Deze wordt uitgereikt aan gerenommeerde onderzoekers die een betekenisvolle bijdrage leveren aan de maatschappij. Er zijn drie categorieën: Gezondheid, Maatschappij en Milieu & Klimaat. Categorie Gezondheid: Guus van Dongen, hoogleraar medische beeldvorming en biomarkers bij Amsterdam UMC, ontwikkelde nieuwe beeldvormende […]