
A look back on the AmSIA Workshop

This morning on the 11th of July scientists and students worked on their Science & Innovation Award proposal during a ‘breakfast workshop’. The workshop was given by IXA business developers, while participants were enjoying a cup of coffee and croissant. During the workshop, participants worked with the IXA triangle model. The model helped the participants […]


Press moments: Amsterdam Science & Innovation Award in the media

Amsterdam Science & Innovation Award in the media:, BNR Radio (from 2:19:28) and NOS Radio 1 Journaal (from 18:05).


Winnaars Amsterdam Science & Innovation Award 2018 en Impact Awards

Levensreddende mobiele scanner wint Amsterdam Science & Innovation Award Impact Awards voor Erik Scherder en Marcel van Herk Alvast in de ambulance bekijken hoe erg de patiënt met een beroerte eraan toe is, zodat hij meteen naar het juiste ziekenhuis voor de juiste behandeling kan worden vervoerd. Dat innovatieve idee van Jonathan Coutinho (neuroloog, Amsterdam […]


Persbericht: Amsterdamse Awards bekronen innovatief onderzoek én eren onderzoekers die hun sporen ruimschoots hebben verdiend

Op dinsdag 19 juni 2018 vindt in Amsterdam de jaarlijkse uitreiking plaats van de Amsterdam Science & Innovation Awards. De genomineerde innovaties en nieuwe technologieën bieden oplossingen voor zeer uiteenlopende maatschappelijke vraagstukken. Dit jaar wordt voor de eerste keer de Impact Award uitgereikt aan onderzoekers die al een belangrijke bijdrage hebben geleverd aan de samenleving. […]


Kenneth Chin and Juultje Sommers on air at BNR Eyeopeners

On Tuesday Juli 4, 2017, Amsterdam Science & Innovation Award winners Kenneth Chin and Juultje Sommers were interviewed by Meindert Schut about their winning innovations. Je cookie instellingen blokkeren deze content.Pas je instellingen aan om de content alsnog in te laden.


Winners Amsterdam Science & Innovation Award 2017

Nathalie de Vent wins Amsterdam Science & Innovation Award 2017 Nathalie de Vent and Joost Agelink van Rentergem of the University of Amsterdam are the winners of the Amsterdam Science & Innovation Award 2017, the annual award for the most innovative scientific idea of ​​all Amsterdam knowledge and research institutes. They received the award for […]


AmSIA finalists at Business News Radio

Finalists Bauke Bakker and Hidde Bekhuis were interviewed by Meindert Schut in BNR’s broadcast Eyeopeners. To listen to the interview click here.


Announcement of the finalists of Amsterdam Science & Innovation Award 2017

The finalists for the Amsterdam Science & Innovation Award 2017 are selected. The jury, chaired by Mirjam van Praag, had the difficult task to select ten finalists from all entries of the Amsterdam universities and research institutes. The finalists are: Bauke Bakker (Orlando Cabanas, Roberto Pizato, Dion Gavriilidis )| Alumni network Medialab Amsterdam – HvA […]


Bram Schermers wins Amsterdam Science & Innovation Award 2016

Bram Schermers of the Antoni van Leeuwenhoek/Netherlands Cancer Institute is the winner of the Amsterdam Science & Innovation Award 2016, the annual award for the most innovative idea of all Amsterdam universities and research institutes, with his entry “MaMaLoc”. MaMaLoc is a technique for the improvement of breast cancer treatment. The high potential award went […]
